referents and models to imitate (Gutiérrez et al., 2022). Therefore, the profession of
influencers is the most desired profession today in Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia,
Ecuador, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Honduras (Flores, 2023).
The effectiveness of vocational guidance can vary depending on various factors, such as
the quality of guidance services, training and experience of the professionals who
provide it, the receptivity and participation of students, and other contextual elements
such as the generational characteristics (Céspedes et al.,2020). The absence or
ineffectiveness of vocational guidance may drive young people to face various
challenges and potential consequences, such as inappropriate career choices, frequent
career changes, stress, anxiety, academic difficulties, lack of direction, purpose, and
lack of motivation in their daily activities (Cabrera et al., 2006).
Lack of self-knowledge, inadequate perception of their abilities and aptitudes, lack of
financial resources, motivation, and lack of academic or emotional support influence
university dropouts. Educational institutions and governments often work on policies
and programs to reduce college dropouts and improve student retention to ensure
academic completion and achieve educational and professional goals (Ulloa y Ulloa,
Dropping out of university can have significant consequences in a student's academic,
professional, and personal life; among the most common are the loss of time and
resources for the student himself, his family, and the State. In addition, the lack of a
university degree can limit career options and generate financial consequences, such as
acquiring student loans or other debts to finance studies. Likewise, dropping out of
university can negatively affect the self-esteem and confidence of the student and
generate a competitive disadvantage in the labor market compared to those who
complete their higher Education (Sotomayor y Rodríguez, 2020).
Career counseling cannot guarantee student retention. However, it can help reduce the
dropout rate by allowing students to make informed and conscious decisions about their
career choices. According to data from the Secretaría de Educación Superior, Ciencia,
Tecnología e Innovación (SENESCYT) the dropout rate in 2019-2020 was 28%. If this
same trend continues, the Ecuadorian State could save $2,097,811.88 in 2023 to
$2,104,989.77 in 2025 (SENESCYT, s.f.).
In Ecuador, vocational guidance is recognized as an integral part of the educational and
labor system. The Ministry of Education promotes the implementation of vocational
guidance services in the country's educational institutions by using workshops, talks,
aptitude, and interest tests, and individual or group counseling (Ministerio de Educación
del Ecuador, 2021).
The CHASIDE test has been considered an appropriate tool for predicting interests and
vocations in Ecuador; however, in most of the publications, that has been incorrectly
attributed to the researcher John Holland, who has developed other vocational guidance
tests, such as the Self-Directed Search, Environmental Typology RIASEC, and the
Inventory to the Sixteen Personality Factor (Holland, 1962; Holland, Daiger, y
Power,1980; Holland, 1985; Holland, 1994). It is worth noting that the real author of the
CHASIDE test is Juan Lázara, who developed the test in 1994 based on Holland's