Face recognition for automatic vehicle ignition based on
Raspberry Pi Alex V. Nuñez1
Essex County College, United States
Liliana N. Nuñez2
Rutgers University, United States
In this project a facial recognition application for automatic vehicle ignition is developed. This
application is built using a Raspberry Pi as the hardware platform and the OpenCV library for
computer vision as the software component. In this research the different methods for automobile
security are analyzed, as well as, the different methods used to perform face recognition. The
main goal of this application is to enhance the security system of the vehicle, allowing to ignite
the vehicle only by register users. To achieve this goal three main processes are carried out, face
detection, data gathering, and training the system to grant access through face recognition.
Keywords: facial recognition, Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, vehicle, automatic ignition
En el presente trabajo se desarrolla una aplicación de reconocimiento facial para el encendido
automatico de vehículos. Esta aplicación se construye utilizando como plataforma de hardware
Raspberry Pi y OpenCV como almanenamiento de imágenes. En esta investigación se analizan
los diferentes métodos de seguridad para los automóviles, así como los diferentes procedimientos
utilizados para realizar el reconocimiento facial. El objetivo principal de esta aplicación es
mejorar el sistema de seguridad para los automóviles, permitiendo un encendido directo solo con
el usuario registrado. Para lograr esto se llevaron a cabo tres procesos principales: detección de
rostros, recopilación de datos y capacitación del sistema para conceder el acceso.
Palabras clave: reconocimiento facial, Raspberry Pi, OpenCV, vehículos, encendido automatico
One of the most important fields in the automotive industry is security. Since the invention of the
automobile, many systems have been developed around this aspect. Security is one of the most
critical fields when developing a car. To satisfy the required security standards various security
systems have been developed over the years, one of the most widely and longest used systems is
the key ignition switch system, although this system has security that blocks access to the car's
ignition switch if the key used is not the correct one, it has been shown that it is not a foolproof
system (Lemelson & Hoffman, 2004).
In response to this problem, a wide variety of supplementary devices that allow increasing the
levels of security already established are used. Such as steering-wheel-securing "clubs" and
alarms activated by moving the locked car. However, not all of these security measures have
been sufficient to end the theft of cars. Since the delinquents are finding new ways to alter and
ignore these security systems. As a result, auto theft remains a multi-billion-dollar "business"
despite the best efforts of the auto industry and the police to stop them (Lemelson & Hoffman,
Another security system that has been developed is the passive starting system (PEPS). In this
system the doors of the vehicle are automatically unlocked when an authorized key fob is
brought close to the vehicle and its starting system is carried out through a button. Nevertheless,
it has been proven that even this technology can be violated through transceivers causing a
retransmission attack (Oman & Haves, 2015), that is why the creation of a new and better
security system is necessary.
The invention of new and better technologies, as well as the great advance that the field of
electronic engineering and software development has had, have allowed access to development
alternatives such as artificial intelligence and computer vision. With the help of these new
technologies and seeking to provide a solution to the security problems experienced, a new
security system for vehicle ignition is proposed in this article.
1. Literature review
In this section, similar researches to this proposal are analyzed. These researches focus on the
study of the facial recognition technique using computer vision tools. Similarly, they use
different hardware components such as Raspberry Pi or personal computers and artificial vision
libraries such as Dlib or OpenCV. The most relevant research will be analyzed below.
The research developed by Boyko to study the two most widely used computer vision libraries:
OpenCV and Dlib; These libraries define the general concepts as well as the scientific principles
behind facial recognition theory. In this research the characteristics of these two libraries are
explored, and the pros and cons of each one are analyzed. Additionally, we analyze application
examples based on histogram-oriented gradient techniques for face search, face landmark for
facial recognition and deep convolutional neural network to compare known faces. As a result of
the study, the OpenCV library presents better performance and productivity than the Dlib library,
making it ideal for facial recognition (Boyko, Basystiuk, & Shakhovska, 2018).
For his part, Gulzar proposes the development of a car security system based on facial
recognition. The main objective of this project is to develop a low-cost system based on open
source and adaptable software platforms for all types of vehicles. It is also intended to study the
limitations of facial recognition techniques, providing solutions that allow the system to be
efficient in terms of speed of execution and response time (Gulzar, Jun, & Tariq, 2017).
While Pawar in their research work propose to create an embedded security system for vehicle
security and surveillance. His article proposes the development of an anti-theft system and an
embedded surveillance system. The same that uses biometric authentication to access the vehicle.
This system uses a camera to perform facial recognition of the person requiring access. Which in
case of denying access captures photos of the person who tried to access the vehicle and sends
them to the owner to notify them of possible theft. This system has been designed and developed
using the Raspberry pi card and a high-resolution camera, as well as open-source software tools
(Pawar & Rizvi, 2018).
In summary, the analyzed works present relevant ideas for the achievement of the proposed
project. Emphasizing the use of the appropriate software to perform facial recognition,
conjunction with the Raspberry pi card used to develop the present project.
The limited development of proposals such as the one presented, as well as the significant
advances that have taken place in the field of technology, and especially in the area of software
development, has made possible the realization of this research. In this work, the OpenCV library
for computer vision and a Raspberry pi 4 model B has been used to achieve our objective.
The fundamental principle of facial recognition is based on identifying and determining the
characteristics of a face through statistical or intellectual methods. These methods allow us to
build face models and compare them to the coincidence level of the detection region of a face.
Subsequently the possible region of the face is obtained (Fan, Zhang, Wang, & Lu, 2012).
The AdaBoost face detection algorithm is a method used to obtain face regions, which later will
allow us to perform face recognition, it includes Harr-like selection features and calculates the
features of a typical face through the image integral. Extended Harr-like features can also be
used to improve accuracy when detecting a face, which are divided into edge features, linear
features, and center-surround features (Fan et al., 2012). A graphic representation of these
characteristics can be seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1. Extended Harr-like features
Source: (Fan et al., 2012)
Another method widely used to perform face recognition is the integral image method. This
method is used to quickly calculate the value of the characteristic, which is defined by the
difference between the sum of the white pixels and the black pixels. In Figure 2 it shows that the
characteristic value composed by II and IV is the variation between the sum of IV pixels and the
sum of II pixels. The former is the difference between the sum of integral image value of A and
D and the sum of integral image value of B and C. The later is the sum of integral image value of
B and integral image value of A (Fan et al., 2012).
Figure 2. Four arrays figure
Reference: (Fan et al., 2012)
1. OpenCV
OpenCV (Open source computer vision) is a library of programming functions mainly aimed at
real-time computer vision, originally developed by Intel, it was later supported by Willow
Garage and Itseez. The library is cross-platform and free for use under the open-source BSD
license. OpenCV supports some models from deep learning frameworks like TensorFlow, Torch,
PyTorch, and Caffe according to a defined list of supported layers. It promotes
OpenVisionCapsules which is a portable format, compatible with all other formats (Rathod &
Agrawal, 2018). The logo for OpenCV can be seen in Figure 3.
Figure 3. OpenCv Logo
Source: (OpenCv team, 2020)
2. Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi (RPi) 4 Model B is a credit card-sized, single-board computer. It possesses a
1.5GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A72 CPU processor and has 40 General Purpose
Input/output (GPIO) pins. It can support up to 4GB RAM (Jabeen, Ramamurthy, & Latha, 2017).
The device is powered by a 5V micro USB with an ampere rating of 2A. a monitor with a micro
HDMI port can be used as a display and a USB-based keyboard and mouse can be used to
control the RPi. Since the monitor has a touch interface the USB cable for touch has to be
connected to the USB port of RPi, this new model has 2 USB 3.0 ports and 2 USB 2.0 ports. It
also has 2.4 GHz and 5.0 GHz IEEE 802.11ac wireless interface and an Ethernet Gigabit port
(Jabeen et al., 2017). We can appreciate it in Figure 4.
The operative system for the RPi needs to be loaded in a microSD, although it can support many
OS the most used is Raspbian which is a Linux based Operative System. Before running the RPi
the SD card should be inserted into the MicroSD card slot, also, the main language used for
programming the RPi is Python which acts as the control system of the model (Jabeen et al.,
Figure 4. Raspberry Pi 4 model B
Source: Ñuñez, Alex V & Nuñez Liliana N, 2020
The project consists of three essential processes, first is in charge of data acquisition, this process
is done through the web camera, which is in charge of acquiring the photographs of the users
who will be granted access to the vehicle. Once you have acquired the photographs of the users
is necessary to store them to create a database of potential users. This is done because it is
necessary to compare the faces of the people who want to grant access to the photographs of the
registered users stored in the database.
Subsequently, the system must process all this information so that it is capable of performing
facial recognition on a specific person. Therefore, a code has been designed that processes the
photographs of the different users stored in the system database and extracts information on the
unique characteristics of each face, regenerating a binary file with a yml extension.
Finally, the third process is responsible for performing facial recognition of a user, making use of
the information collected before. This process begins when a new user wants to access the
system. The system acquires the facial information of this potential new user. This information is
compared with the database of registered users and in case the facial information of this user
coincides with the information of registered users, access is granted, otherwise, access is denied.
If access is granted the electronic card sends a signal to the vehicle's computer which is the
process and grants access to the user.
The architecture of the project developed is shown in Figure 5. It will allow us to understand the
basic operation of the proposed system and how it exchanges information between its different
Figure 5. Project Architecture
Source: Ñuñez, Alex V & Nuñez Liliana N, 2020
To carry out the facial recognition system, three primary code structures were developed. The
first structure is responsible for the acquisition of the users' photographs and the creation of the
database. The second structure in charge of generating the yml file with the information on the
characteristics of the faces of the stored users and the last one is in charge of carrying out the
facial recognition process of the users and guaranteeing access. In this section, we will proceed
to describe in detail each of these processes.
3. Face detection and data gathering
In this process the main objective is to generate a database with the images of registered users.
Therefore, the first task to be performed is to determine the correct software tool that will allow
us to detect a face, from the analysis carried out, it was determined that the best tool for face
recognition is the Harr Cascade classifier function (Rovai, 2018).
Object detection using Haar feature-based cascade classifiers is an effective object detection
method proposed by Paul Viola and Michael Jones in their 2001 article "Rapid Object Detection
using a Boosted Cascade of Simple Features". It is a machine learning-based approach where
cascading is formed from many positive and negative images. Then it is used to detect objects in
other images. In Figure 6 presents the outline of this process (Rovai, 2018).
Figure 6. Face Detection and Data Gathering
Source: Ñuñez, Alex V & Nuñez Liliana N, 2020
The face detection option of this tool has been used, to use this algorithm it is necessary to have a
considerable number of positive images, which must contain the faces of the users. Similarly, it
is also necessary to have a large number of negative images without the faces of the users, to
train the classifier. Subsequently, it is necessary to extract the characteristics of the faces from
the images provided. In this case, the OpenCV library has been chosen for artificial vision, since
it includes both the detector and the trainer necessary to carry out the aforementioned process
(Siswanto, Nugroho, & Galinium, 2014).
When a face is detected by the webcam the code fires an event that captures a certain number of
user photographs to store them in the database. When the photographs are acquired, they are
assigned an id and converted to grayscale to be able to work with them.
4. Train the recognizer
This process will be in charge of processing the information of the images contained in the
database in order to train the recognizer of the OpenCV library. This process is done
automatically by a code function contained within OpenCV. As a result of this process, an yml
extension file will be obtained. Which contains the information used by the recognizer and that
will allow us to make a comparison between the different faces of the users (Raja, 2020). The
diagram of this process is shown in Figure 7.
Figure 7. Training process
Source: Ñuñez, Alex V & Nuñez Liliana N, 2020
5. Face recognition
The facial recognition process is the last phase of the project. The capture of a new face is made
through the webcam and a comparison is made with the images previously stored and trained.
The OpenCV recognizer will make a prediction and return the index of the image related to the
processed face and the percentage of coincidence between these two images(Raja, 2020). The
diagram of this process is shown below in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Face Recognition process
Source: Ñuñez, Alex V & Nuñez Liliana N, 2020
The first step in this process is to detect the face of the potential user who is seeking access. For
which the haarCascade classifier function will be used. Subsequently, it is necessary to determine
the percentage of coincidence between these two images. For which the recognizer.predict()
function will be used. This function will take as a parameter a portion of the captured face to
analyze and determine the likely user associated with that face, indicating the name of the user
and the id that has been assigned to it, as well as the degree of confidence that exists between the
acquired face and the face stored in the database (Raja, 2020). The code belonging to this third
process is shown in Figure 9.
Figure 9. Face recognition code
Source: Ñuñez, Alex V & Nuñez Liliana N, 2020
Once a registered user has been detected, an electronic signal is generated and sent to the car’s
computer using the GPIO ports of the Raspberry pi card. For which it is determined if there were
detected users, in this case, we proceed to grant a high logical state to one of the GPIO ports,
otherwise, a low logical state is established.
As the first test of the system, the face of a not registered user in the database will be processed
and the behavior of the system will be observed Figure 10.
Figure 10. Not registered user
Source: Ñuñez, Alex V & Nuñez Liliana N, 2020
As it could be seen, the user who tried to access the system was not registered in the database, so
the system could not recognize it, showing it as an unknown user and throwing a low-status
logical signal. Later we will proceed to process the face of a registered user, this process is
shown in Figure 11.
Figure 11. Processing registered users
Source: Ñuñez, Alex V & Nuñez Liliana N, 2020
As evidenced in the image the system is working expectedly. Since it was able to recognize the
registered user and show his name and the percentage of coincidence determined by the OpenCv
recognition. Since a registered user has been determined and recognized, a high-level logical
signal is generated with which it is determined that the system is working correctly, recognizing
users and guaranteeing access.
In conclusion, the methods specifically focused on automotive safety are very fragile and can be
altered very easily. Therefore, the need for much more robust security systems is necessary, and
the proposed proposal is a viable option that involves the solution to all these problems.
The development of systems such as the one proposed implies an improvement in security levels,
implementing new features that improve the user experience. Since it can allow working together
with departments such as the police, having the ability to generate reports of possible criminals
by storing their photographs when they try to violate the security of the vehicle.
Finally, the increase in security would lead to a reduction in vehicle insurance costs, this as a
results of having much more reliable security systems, the crime rate regarding car theft would
tend to decrease.
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