El impacto del índice de radiación ultravioleta cada día es más intenso y peligroso para la
salud de la epidermis y la vista de las personas, especialmente para los agricultores de la
Comunidad de Chirinche Bajo, Ecuador. Los campesinos se exponen al sol intenso en sus
jornadas laborales en los cultivos, por ese motivo, se propuso un sistema tecnológico basado
en internet de las cosas (IoT) para informar del índice UV al que se encuentran expuestos y
tomen precauciones para salir a sus labores cotidianas. Se desarrolló un dispositivo para el
monitoreo y una aplicación en la API de la plataforma para visualizar y gestionar
alarmas, en el tiempo de seguimiento el sistema detectó un índice UV mayor a 9 en horas de
la mañana y tarde (11am a 13pm), que según la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS), es
catalogada como de muy alto peligro: recomienda usar prendas que cubran la mayor parte del
cuerpo, protector solar, sombrero y anteojos de sol. En la comunidad los agricultores utilizan
su sombrero tradicional que no cubre de forma óptima el rosto y por la falta de economía no
utilizan protector solar. El proyecto es un aporte inicial para crear una cultura de información
y desarrollo tecnológico en las zonas agrícolas rurales del Ecuador.
Palabras clave: índice ultravioleta, radiación solar, Internet de las cosas, OMS, agricultores.
According to data from the National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology (INAMHI),
solar radiation has increased by 50% in recent years, people exposed to the sun for a long time
have adverse effects on the skin, such as squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma,
melanoma and cataracts (Chango Tituaña, 2019).
Solar ultraviolet radiation is a natural element that has a significant effect on the environment.
The solar UV spectrum has many beneficial effects on vitamin D production in humans, but it
is also harmful if certain limits are exceeded; especially the skin and eyes are affected. Quispe
Huamán y Vargas Poma (2019) in their study proposed a prototype for wireless mobile
remote monitoring to report solar UV irradiance indices and associated risks. As a result, they
obtained a wireless system mobilized by a drone, to visualize its location and radiation level
they developed an application for Android and for PC in LabVIEW. Finally, they concluded
that the deployed device allows the monitoring and reporting of solar UV radiation indices
and associated risk levels to prevent skin erythema damage in people in the municipality of
Cañizares Guerrero (2019) implemented a system for monitoring ultraviolet radiation in real
time, at the Technical University of Cotopaxi (UTC), the data were displayed on a web page
and a mobile application together with a database connected to the internet, the device had
two microcontrollers Arduino mega 2560 and Arduino one for processing meteorological data
from the sensors, the power supply had two solar panels and two batteries connected in series.
With the project they managed to make people aware of the levels of UV radiation to which
they are exposed to raise awareness about health care and take protective measures according
to the WHO.
Cruz Checa (2020) in their work presented a monitoring system in the city of Arequipa for the
measurement of the solar ultraviolet UV radiation index at the wavelength of 280nm to
390nm. The device is equipped with a sensor, a microcontroller and is powered by solar