The real estate business in the city of Quito and activities undertaken by the real estate company Torre Marshal




housing market, business plan, real estate


In the housing market in Ecuador, specifically in the city of Quito, both supply and demand reflect encouraging conditions in terms of construction and marketing of housing. This article details a business plan for Inmobiliaria Torre Marshall, oriented to the commercialization of housing and commercial premises aimed at upper-middle class clients in the most strategic and exclusive sectors of the city of Quito. The study is framed in a documentary type, descriptive in scope, with a quantitative approach, since documents of various kinds are considered to describe the real estate market that supports the business plan of the real estate company. The main conclusion is that Quito is the country with the highest proportion of real estate offers, although demand has slowed down due to the economic and political situation, the recovery is imminent and fast. Likewise, the population density of the city is low, which evidences its growth potential. Hence, the Marshall Tower real estate project, according to legal, technical and financial studies, is seen as an excellent business, which will begin with the Marshall Tower as a pilot project, demonstrating the preeminence of vertical housing construction for the use of urban physical space, given the impossibility of the city to grow horizontally.


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How to Cite

Freire, S., & Freire, R. (2020). The real estate business in the city of Quito and activities undertaken by the real estate company Torre Marshal. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 1(1), 75–92.


