Tax regime for micro-enterprises and its incidence in the calculation of income tax: DISPROALCEX S.A. case




microenterprise, tax regime, tax culture, income tax


The purpose of the present study is to make known the impact caused by the new tax regime for micro-enterprises and to describe the advantages or disadvantages generated by this tax collection instrument, used as a means to reduce the levels of informality and to promote tax culture. The methodology used was descriptive, the type of research was theoretical - documentary bibliographic and qualitative approach, which analyzed primary sources such as websites, theses, magazine portals, portals of governmental sites, news portals, books, in addition to the critical analysis of the authors on the main case of the company DISPROALCEX S.A. The main result shows that the new tax regime for micro-enterprises is a tax collection instrument used as a means to reduce the levels of informality and promote the tax culture. A. The main result shows that the income tax payable under the general regime was USD 6,274.84, while the income tax payable under the microenterprise regime was USD 15,922.18, showing a significant increase of USD 9,647.34, since the costs and expenses for the period 2020 could not be deducted. The reforms established by the Internal Revenue Service condition the productive process in some micro-enterprises in the sector, reducing their economic and financial liquidity.


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How to Cite

Ñacata Suntaxi, H. M. ., & Monge Miño, J. F. . (2021). Tax regime for micro-enterprises and its incidence in the calculation of income tax: DISPROALCEX S.A. case. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 2(3), 29–40.