Proposal of contents for an administrative training plan for entrepreneurs in Quito




Training, entrepreneurship, academy, vulnerable sectors


The academy, in its relationship with society, is increasingly involved in establishing forms of support for vulnerable sectors. In this case, we are talking about entrepreneurs in the Metropolitan District of Quito, because the business activity presents problems when starting the business and then marketing their products.  There is uncertainty, because in entrepreneurship, the economic needs that arise help to make wrong decisions about the management of their business, since the lack of knowledge in some administrative and commercial issues can lead to the decline of the entrepreneur.


The objective of this research work is to design a curriculum with thematic contents required by entrepreneurs in the administrative and commercial area, within a training plan, for which a quantitative methodology was applied, based on the criteria of experts from institutions involved in training processes for entrepreneurs, and based on the results of previous research carried out within the university itself, and from whose results it was possible to establish the administrative, commercial and financial-accounting thematic areas, whose main contents were organized into three levels in a training plan for entrepreneurship, established in this studie.


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How to Cite

Arias Ronquillo, C. J., Jaramillo Bayas, C. P., & Muquis Tituaña, L. E. . (2022). Proposal of contents for an administrative training plan for entrepreneurs in Quito. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 3(1), 27–42.