Branding, a necessary element of strategic marketing in the Ambato Chamber of Commerce




branding, corporate image management, business philosophy, strategic planning


The objective of this study was to analyze the corporate image that the population perceives with respect to the Ambato Chamber of Commerce. For this, a qualitative approach was used, the current situation of the image was described to know its meaning, value, reaction, knowledge and aesthetics by showing the current isotype. The phenomenology was used as a technique for the analysis of discourse in subjects study, the Ambato population whose ages range from 20 to 49 years, men and women working in public sector institutions. The results showed that the corporate image is not recognized by the population, after indicating the complete logo, they did not relate it to the institutional image, nor did they find any link between their services, with respect to the mission, vision, and corporate values; the logo is not considered creative, with respect to its slogan it was considered not to be shocking, most of the respondents did not associate it with the institution. It was concluded that before improving the corporate image, the institution must rebuild its business philosophy by agreeing on its mission, vision and values, due to the variety of services that the Chamber offers, therefore, this will produce a structural change in the strategic direction from its board of directors.


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How to Cite

Bonilla Jurado, D. M., Delgado Salcedo, N. D. R., & Fajardo Aguilar, G. M. (2020). Branding, a necessary element of strategic marketing in the Ambato Chamber of Commerce. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 1(2), 9–26.


