Evolution of the insurance market in Ecuador


  • Alexander Alfonso Eras Piedra Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CNT), Ecuador.
  • Ángel Gustavo Redrobán Chamorro Personalbrok Agencia de Seguros Cía. Ltda, Ecuador. https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8913-3832




insurance, vehicles, risks, insurance market


Insurance companies, as holders of an important economic capital and due to the importance they have in the Ecuadorian market, are under the regulation of the Superintendency of Companies, Securities and Insurance, which is why the objective of this case study was analyze the evolution of the insurance market in Ecuador, for which a descriptive research based on documentary bibliographic references was used, which allowed establishing the growth of the insurance market of 3.6% with respect to the previous year, mainly due to the Life insurance branch that in the year 2018 grew 11.6% more compared to 2017. The vehicle insurance segment occupies the first place in the market, with 24%. It is important to note that the private insurance boosts the economy, generates profitability for its owners and has become essential for consumers in the face of unforeseen risks.


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How to Cite

Eras Piedra, A. A., & Redrobán Chamorro, Ángel G. (2020). Evolution of the insurance market in Ecuador. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 1(3), 47–56. https://doi.org/10.35290/re.v1n3.2020.366


