Psychosocial risks and work performance of the employees of the Hospital Básico Píllaro and its district management




psychosocial risks, mental health, workload, Cronbach's Alpha


The accelerated changes in the world today have generated a direct impact on the workplace, the lack of preparation for these unexpected changes also impacts on the behavior and mental health of workers; therefore, the objective of this study was to determine the influence of psychosocial risks on the work performance of employees of the Hospital Básico del Cantón Píllaro and its District 18D05. The result of the analysis, once the measurement instruments were applied, identifies that the main problem was the inadequate management of psychosocial risks in the employees due to the high levels of workload and the demands of higher levels, the assignment of work obligations in non-working hours, the lack of knowledge of methodological tools in the management of psychosocial risks, the reduced support from higher levels and colleagues, in addition to job insecurity. The research has a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach, with a descriptive and correlational nature; data collection was carried out by means of a questionnaire structured in two parts: psychosocial risks and performance, and the Cronbach Alpha statistical method was applied to analyze the correlation of variables, and the SPSS tool was used to tabulate and process the data.


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How to Cite

Galarza Torresano, I. D., Español, E., & Español, E. (2021). Psychosocial risks and work performance of the employees of the Hospital Básico Píllaro and its district management. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 2(1), 45–58.

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