Emerging market traffic light. Case: Anda y Vuelve Textile Production Association "Asprotexav"





Traffic light, macroenvironment, microenvironment, associations


The traffic light is an instrument that allows to classify by means of red, yellow and green colors, the exogenous and endogenous factors that alter the textile associations, and at the same time, it facilitates to determine the critical points, in process or acceptable, that they may present. The objective of this research is to determine the current state of the textile production association Anda y Vuelve "Asprotexav", with respect to the market, by means of the semaforization of the data obtained from the SWOT matrix. The qualitative/quantitative method was used, by means of the non-experimental transectional design, where the study variables were analyzed: supply, demand, prices and distribution channels considered in the traffic light. In addition, surveys were conducted with people from the city of Machala. The results obtained indicate that the association has critical points in the stock of finished products and outdated machinery, as well as the need to implement marketing strategies where they can promote their brand. Their strong points in the garments are the quality and price they offer to the consumer, that said, the clients are satisfied with the garments. As part of the conclusions, it is determined that the instrument applied allowed identifying the shortcomings of the case study company, as well as its strengths. Similarly, the limitations in terms of financing and technological implementation are reflected; therefore, the financial entities of the state play an important role in the economic reactivation for them, injecting resources that allow their development.

Author Biography

Mariuxi Calva Jiménez, Universidad Técnica de Machala

Estudiante de la Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales de la Universidad Técnica de Machala


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How to Cite

Astudillo Yépez, K., Calva Jiménez, M., & Aguirre Benalcázar, M. (2022). Emerging market traffic light. Case: Anda y Vuelve Textile Production Association "Asprotexav". ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 3(2), 85–102. https://doi.org/10.35290/re.v3n2.2022.484


