Simulator to evaluate the financial viability of entrepreneurship projects applying the tools of Economic Engineering




economic engineering, venture feasibility, software engineering, planning method


At present, at the beginning of an entrepreneurial project there tends to be uncertainty about the results of the project. This affects the decision of people to start their activity by the simple fact of not knowing whether the project is viable or not. The objective of this research is to develop a web software that facilitates the understanding of whether a project is viable, where the data are fictitious, thus facilitating the simulation of the projection. In the study, a Systematic Mapping Study is performed according to Kitchehham's guidelines. These guidelines include steps for identifying relevant literature, extracting and analyzing data, classifying studies, and presenting results in a clear and consistent manner, to verify whether there are documents describing any feasibility techniques or economic software that integrate project feasibility simulation. Ultimately, entrepreneurs have the final choice about whether to undertake or not; the tool is a support that supports such a decision.


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How to Cite

Moreira Menéndez, M., Almeida Dueñas, C., Buenaño Vera, D., Perez Muñoz, H., & Plazarte Suarez, J. (2023). Simulator to evaluate the financial viability of entrepreneurship projects applying the tools of Economic Engineering. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 4(3), 85–102.


