Journal Indexing


Unique and extensive index of diverse open access journals from around the world that meet high quality standards such as peer review and editorial quality control.

Latindex - Catalog 2.0

Regional Online Information System for Scientific Journals of Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal, composed of the journals with the highest quality standards according to Latindex methodology.

Scope Database

The world's most trusted global citation database used by many research institutions around the world.


Comprehensive, multipurpose database covering scholarly literature, with indexed records of active and authoritative journals, and indexes journal articles from all over the world in all fields.


System to quantitatively measure the visibility of periodicals in Social Sciences and Humanities according to their presence in different types of databases.


Index prepared by the European Science Foundation, which includes publications that meet certain quality criteria in the Humanities and Social Sciences.


Cooperative network of academic journals and journal associations in the social sciences and humanities.


The Directory of Research Journals Indexing (DRJI) is a free online service that helps you find web resources for your articles and research. It provides easy access to educational literature to support research use.


High-standard academic database that indexes and provides open access to peer-reviewed journals, full-text articles, research conferences and positions.

Sherpa Romeo

Online resource that aggregates and analyzes publishers' open access policies from around the world and provides summaries of publishers' open access copyright and archiving policies on a journal-by-journal basis.


The Directory of Open Access Scientific and Academic Resources is a service offered by the ISSN International Centre, with the support of UNESCO's Communication and Information Sector.

Google Scholar

Google search engine focused and specialized in the search of scientific-academic content and bibliography.


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Professional network for scientists and researchers with more than 20 million members from around the world. It is used to share, discover and discuss research from any discipline.

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