Factors that influence consumer behavior through the implementation of digital marketing in the hotel sector of the city of Machala.


  • Jordan Andres Diaz Barrezueta Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador
  • Vladimir Alexander Avila Rivas Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador
  • William Stalin Aguilar Gálvez Universidad Técnica de Machala, Ecuador




digital marketing, purchase decision, digital marketing strategies


The present study focuses on analyzing the factors that influence consumer behavior due to the implementation of digital marketing in the hotel sector of the city of Machala. The aim of the research was to establish the relationship between the variables and the purchase decision-making process in the services offered by the hotels of the city of Machala. The research was carried out with the participation of a sample of 250 individuals from the locality, aged between 25 and 50 years. The data collected were analyzed using a theoretical model proposed in this study. For the statistical analysis, the PLS-SEM structural equation methodology was used, employing a survey based on a Likert scale. This model allowed obtaining data that demonstrate the positive impact of four key variables (digital marketing, service quality, satisfaction, and brand value) on the purchase decision-making process. In conclusion, the results obtained will provide relevant information for the effective implementation of new digital marketing strategies.


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How to Cite

Diaz Barrezueta, J. A., Avila Rivas, V. A., & Aguilar Gálvez, W. S. (2024). Factors that influence consumer behavior through the implementation of digital marketing in the hotel sector of the city of Machala. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 5(2), 57–72. https://doi.org/10.35290/re.v5n2.2024.1098




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