Analysis of the factors influencing consumer purchasing intention in the clothing store sector




Decision making, consumers, consumption, clothing


The primary purpose of this research was to identify the determining factors that affect the purchase intention in the clothing store in the city of Machala. Through a quantitative approach where a study of the most influential variables in the purchase intention was carried out and the experience in the store, word of mouth marketing (WOM) and brand value where highlighted. The results obtained were an essential guide for the clothing or testile store sector, facilitating the optimization of strategies and a more critical understanding of the environment and consumer preferences.


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How to Cite

Romero, jhon, Zhingre Cornejo, D. E., & Aguilar Gálvez, W. S. (2024). Analysis of the factors influencing consumer purchasing intention in the clothing store sector. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 5(3), 87–101.




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