Business associativity: a strategy for the competitiveness of SMEs in Ecuador




partnership, SMEs, competitiveness, innovation


Business associations arise from the need for growth, development and opportunities for small and medium-sized enterprises in a globalized world where it is increasingly difficult to maintain their competitiveness and sustainable development. With globalization underway, great economic, social and political integrations are being forged; however, this international openness causes macroeconomic imbalances, which are reflected in greater magnitude in the industrial field.

Despite the difficulties experienced by SMEs and the fact that associativity has proved to be an important alternative to remain active, it is important that governments stimulate their development through different mechanisms. These can be protection laws, promotion policies, particularly in small and medium-sized enterprises, where a low level of competitiveness is identified in order to operate under the new conditions. With this research, we will identify how partnership in other countries works in a responsible and strategic way, serving as the axis of research for Ecuador to adapt to globalization, through empirical documentary research, providing various electronic and bibliographic sources, highlighting the most relevant and important points to apply this model for Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Pérez Sisa, F. G. (2020). Business associativity: a strategy for the competitiveness of SMEs in Ecuador. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 1(2), 39–52.


