Exploring Advanced Strategies in High Performance Computing: A Comprehensive Analysis and Emerging Perspectives





High Performance Computing (HPC), Parallel Programming, Heterogeneous Architectures, Quantum Computing, Machine Learning, Emerging Perspectives


The present study focuses on the comprehensive investigation of advanced strategies in the field of High Performance Computing (HPC). The increasing demand for computing power to address complex problems in science, engineering and technology has driven the need for innovative and efficient strategies in this domain.

The article presents a comprehensive review of the existing literature, highlighting recent developments in hardware architectures, optimized algorithms, and parallel programming techniques. Representative case studies examined to illustrate the practical implementation of these strategies in real-world applications.

Comprehensive analysis addresses current and emerging challenges in HPC, including managing large data sets, energy efficiency, and adapting to heterogeneous architectures. Additionally, future perspectives explored, such as quantum computing and machine learning applied to high-performance problems.

This study contributes to the updated understanding of strategies in HPC, providing researchers and practitioners with a holistic view of emerging trends and possible future directions in this crucial field for scientific and technological advancement.


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How to Cite

Caicedo Goyes, F. L. (2024). Exploring Advanced Strategies in High Performance Computing: A Comprehensive Analysis and Emerging Perspectives. ODIGOS JOURNAL, 5(2), 9–32. https://doi.org/10.35290/ro.v5n2.2024.1174


