Mobile system for the supply of routes with fixed routes




APIs, xamarin, android, ios, framework


This work seeks to generate an automation through a mobile application with which users with a vehicle, offer people a travel option to their destinations, based on their daily route and at an affordable price. The idea arises from the need for users to have an extra income by carrying passengers within their route, and in turn, passengers can have an alternative, cheaper application that allows them to reach their final destinations faster. Tools that are currently a trend are used, such as Firebase for data management, Xamarin as the main development tool, due to its great advantage of reusing the same code for the Android and IOS platforms. As a complement, Facebook and Google APIs will be used to provide the beneficiary with a login alternative, and Google Maps for the display of routes on a map. The results show that the system will be a great option when managing the routes.


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How to Cite

Artieda Guachamin, C. A. ., Reza Morales, J. S., & Rojas Cisneros, H. D. (2021). Mobile system for the supply of routes with fixed routes. ODIGOS JOURNAL, 2(1), 21–40.