Social engineering, a practical example




Social Engineering, Computer Attack, Computer Security, Social Hacking, Cyber Security


Nowadays, companies have adopted digital storage spaces, where it collects one of its most valuable assets, the information, the same that can constitute data such as financial statements, customer portfolio, data that represents monetary value, etc., this can be coveted by malicious entities such as competing companies, former employees or also computer criminals, which can use this data as an object of sale to competitors, extortion, manipulation, among other crimes. Computer criminals have begun to steal and leak information through a set of methods and techniques, which is called social engineering, which focuses on attacks on employees of an entity. It is for this reason that it is necessary to carry out awareness campaigns to all the staff of a company, since it is one of the most exploited computer risk vectors in the history of cybersecurity. This research work proposes a methodology for the generation and execution of social engineering campaigns, which will result in a vulnerability assessment at the level of the personnel of a given company, and will conclude a degree of risk for it.


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How to Cite

Prado Díaz, J. P. (2021). Social engineering, a practical example. ODIGOS JOURNAL, 2(3), 47–76.