Artificial Intelligence and Marketing 5.0 as a competitive advantage in the Ecuadorian pharmaceutical industry.


  • David Alexander Morales López Instituto Superior Tecnológico Consulting Group Ecuador - Esculapio, Ecuador
  • Moisés Nikolay Trujillo Avilés Universidad Central del Ecuador, Ecuador
  • David Alejandro Zaldumbide Peralvo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Ecuador image/svg+xml
  • Omitza Jiménez Espiñeira Universidad Ignacio Agramonte y Loynaz de Camagüey. Cuba
  • Talhita Benítez Pardillo Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Libertad, Ecuador
  • Edgar Edurman García Silvera Instituto Tecnológico Superior Tecnoecuatoriano, Ecuador



Pharmacy, Industry 4.0, Artificial Intelligence, Industry, Innovation, Marketing 5.0


As a result of Artificial Intelligence and Marketing 5.0, the pharmaceutical industry can have useful tools to achieve a competitive advantage and differentiate itself. However, ignorance, the lack of qualified personnel and a business digitalization strategy have caused a large part of organizations to waste the resources and advantages offered by these tools. The present research sought to analyze how Ecuadorian pharmacies perceive, use and employ the various tools offered by AI and Marketing 5.0 within their business strategy. For this, a quantitative causal analysis was carried out, using a strategic survey that sought to evaluate and understand the perception of this industry in the innovation generated by AI. One of the most relevant results of this research was that the integration of AI and Marketing 5.0 in organizations provides a competitive advantage to the Ecuadorian pharmaceutical industrial sector, facilitating continuous learning of the ideal customer prototype. This allows creating innovative strategies, improving pharmacological monitoring, allowing the manufacturing of medicines using trial and error models, leading to cost reduction and the development of campaigns based on detected needs and opportunities.


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How to Cite

Morales López, D. A., Trujillo Avilés, M. N., Zaldumbide Peralvo, D. A., Jiménez Espiñeira, O., Benítez Pardillo, T., & García Silvera, E. E. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and Marketing 5.0 as a competitive advantage in the Ecuadorian pharmaceutical industry. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 5(2), 9–37.


