Digital consumer perceptions in real estate investment projects.




trust, perceived value, image, user experience, consumer perception


The study seeks to analyze the elements that affect the perception of the digital consumer within the real estate sector. In recent years, the digital consumer has had a great impact within the real estate industry, since technological incursion and digitalization within the social environment have modified the way in which the digital consumer searches, evaluates and acquires properties. The methodology was qualitative, applying a focus group session. The instrument used was a guide of questions through 4 variables: trust, perceived value, image and user experience. 10 participants were selected using a convenience and non-probabilistic sampling method. 

The results demonstrated that the aspects of trust, perceived value, image and user experience have a significant impact on the decisions made by the consumer, with trust being the most oversold aspect because it is an indication of stability, transparency and security in the investment. In conclusion, the relevance of prioritizing strategies and actions based on these factors was understood, highlighting which aspects should be addressed with greater emphasis to optimize consumer satisfaction and build positive perceptions.


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How to Cite

Carbay Morocho, L. M., Ordoñez Torres, A. L., & Coyago Loayza, X. (2024). Digital consumer perceptions in real estate investment projects. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 5(3), 71–86.


