The influence of the social networks on business competitiveness in cafeteria services


  • Mario Santiago Ramírez Proaño Instituto Superior Tecnológico España
  • Byron Omar Bejarano Lizano Universidad Técnica de Ambato
  • Richard Santiago Paredes Rodríguez Instituto Tecnológico Superior Universitario Manuel Lezaeta
  • Richard Raúl Silador Utrera Instituto Tecnológico Superior Universitario Manuel Lezaeta



social networks, social media, marketing, communication strategy, company


The use of social media is key to competitive development in the coffee shop services sector, as addressed in the research. The study, with a mixed-methods approach, combined descriptive and predictive analyses to evaluate how strategic criteria influence the competitiveness of the company Sierra Bella. A non-experimental, cross-sectional research design was used, observing the phenomenon in a real context without intentional intervention. The research employed tools to operationalize variables and applied an inductive-deductive method. The results showed a positive correlation (r = 0, 994) between social media use and the competitiveness of SMEs in coffee shop services, validating the hypothesis that social media significantly meets the competitive needs of these businesses. The positive relationship suggests that social media influences strategic criteria to expand the market, achieving greater competitiveness.

Additionally, the manufacturing sector’s interest in integrating social media and technological innovations to improve market positioning and promote expansion was highlighted, the research demonstrates that incorporating social media is crucial for strengthening business competitiveness in the coffee shop services sector.


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How to Cite

Ramírez Proaño, M. S., Bejarano Lizano, B. O., Paredes Rodríguez, R. S., & Silador Utrera, R. R. (2025). The influence of the social networks on business competitiveness in cafeteria services. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 6(1), 61–76.


