Analysis of the Casa para Todos mission and its effects on social and human development in Ecuador


  • Aracely Elizabeth Vásquez Hurtado Presidencia de la República del Ecuador, Ecuador.



social development, National Development Plan, House for All, extreme poverty, moderate poverty


One of the greatest challenges of the governments at Latin America has been to fight poverty and underdevelopment and Ecuador is not an exception. In that sense, The Government on duty works according to the National Development Plan since 2017 - 2021, it’s mainly focused on building a decent life. Among the most emblematic programs are the missions Less poverty, more development and House for All, programs that will identify the effects within the family nucleus that are in moderate and extreme poverty, the elements for community building, the creation of social cohesion spaces, inclusive financing mechanisms to facilitate access to housing, the application of constructive designs according to the territorial and cultural realities of the population.

Finally, it was learned through the conclusions if this project contributes to the achievement of constitutional principles through the generation of public politics that allow strengthening access to decent housing, this right being a set of aspects that generate feelings of belonging and security to move towards a social and human development of the population.


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How to Cite

Vásquez Hurtado, A. E. (2020). Analysis of the Casa para Todos mission and its effects on social and human development in Ecuador. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 1(2), 71–87.


