SOSTAC methodology, a tool for digital sales planning: the case of the company "Trazos y Siluetas".


  • Mayra Alexandra Suntasig Tenesaca Trazos y Siluetas, Ecuador.



SOSTAC, sales plan, digital marketing, technological innovation


Digital marketing has become a technological innovation strategy for companies to be sustainable over time, ensure their survival and growth in the market. This research work presents a digital sales plan for the company “Trazos y Silhouettes” based on the SOSTAC methodology, one of the most popular marketing models due to its ease of structuring campaigns. The research is descriptive based on a documentary bibliographic source. A sample of 80 clients was used to whom a semi-structured survey was applied denoting ignorance of products or services offered by the company. As part of the conclusions of the work, it was possible to show that planning is very important through a methodological tool that allows setting the objectives of the companies for their sustainability over time.


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How to Cite

Suntasig Tenesaca, M. A. . (2020). SOSTAC methodology, a tool for digital sales planning: the case of the company "Trazos y Siluetas". ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 1(3), 57–71.


