From organizational behavior to the practice of producing meaning


  • Galo Hernán García Tamayo Instituto Superior Tecnológico España, Ecuador.



organizational behavior, production of sense, organizations


The purpose of this article is to present some reflections on the practice in the production of meaning attributed to organizations, as a result of their transition from modernity to postmodernity.

The work consisted of a documentary review with a review of the literature on the subject, in order to understand from a theoretical point of view, what have been the changes that society has endured from modernity to postmodernity.

The methodology used in this work was based on the critical reading of the topic presented; for this purpose, several scientific articles were obtained, which were analyzed in depth in order to gather the pertinent data. The understanding of the information was complemented with content and frequency analysis methods.   

It is concluded that, throughout history, the marked uncertainty characteristic of this era opens the possibility of a new path towards the search for meaning in people.


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How to Cite

García Tamayo, G. H. . (2021). From organizational behavior to the practice of producing meaning. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 2(2), 75–86.

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