Good cooperative governance and comprehensive risk management in the popular and supportive financial system




informal economy, solidarity economy, collective economy, budgetary control, financial auditing


The Popular and Solidarity Economy is responsible for adopting good cooperative governance practices, the universal commitment to apply cooperative values and principles, and good cooperative governance practices. According to the Organic Law of Popular and Solidarity Economy, to improve public perception and confidence in the Popular and Solidarity Financial System, but the confidence achieved by the Savings and Credit Cooperatives is a product of financial prudence standards (comprehensive risk management).

The incidence of good cooperative governance in comprehensive risk management was investigated, identifying national and international regulatory parameters applicable to the COACs, contrasting the correlation perpetuated between them to decide and generate an internal control system, considering financial and non-financial risks, as part of ethics, morals and transparency, which converge in accountability, as a responsibility of its administrators, thus safeguarding the rights of the general public.

Hence, the analysis carried out on the 10 COACs of segment 1, registered in the SPFS, through non-experimental research of the variables of good cooperative governance and comprehensive risk management, with a transectional or transversal design of the correlational-causal type, It has led us to the understanding that those COACs that present greater compliance in terms of their administrative situation, record a better financial situation.

The 10 COACs of segment 1, registered in the SPFS, were analyzed by non-experimental research of the variables of good cooperative governance and comprehensive risk management, with a cross-sectional or transversal design of the correlational-causal type that led to the understanding that those with greater compliance with their administrative situation improve their financial situation.


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How to Cite

Simbaña Benalcázar, E. F. (2024). Good cooperative governance and comprehensive risk management in the popular and supportive financial system. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 5(1), 77–95.


