Teleworking: a new work modality and a digital option for companies and society




teleworking, infocentros, MINTEL, TIC, employment


Global trends point to the transformation of work environments, among these appears a new work modality supported by Information and Communication Technologies called Telework, which combines corporate policies based on the fulfillment of objectives. The Government of Ecuador through the Ministry of Telecommunications and the Information Society has promoted as a project the implementation of Community Infocenters nationwide, which are technological spaces for participation and development that guarantee inclusive access to Information and Communication Technologies for the populations of rural and marginal urban parishes. These spaces allow the expansion of entrepreneurship, where the economy raises the development through the digital transformation of organizations, the evolution of e-commerce, the promotion of innovation and technology-based enterprises, which have allowed ICTs to lead to telework as a new labor alternative, where sources of employment are not tied to the physical presence of the employee, promoting inclusive development of digital skills in users through technological tools and applications that improve the quality of life of citizens and promoting the productive development of their community.


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How to Cite

Vargas Espín, J. C. (2020). Teleworking: a new work modality and a digital option for companies and society. ODIGOS JOURNAL, 1(1), 21–34.


