Body posture estimation in an embedded system Raspberry Pi using computer vision techniques




binarization, images, numpy, OpenCV, Raspberry Pi


Systems that are used for motion capture or known as gait analysis generally employ dedicated devices that are sold on the market at high prices. In recent years, companies focused on manufacturing and implementing gait laboratories have focused their efforts on creating measurement and reporting devices that are portable and take up a minimum of space; however, technological innovations proposed by companies dedicated to the field of biomedicine turn out to be closed and with compatibility limitations. That is to say, in cases where the expansion of the laboratory is required, it is necessary to acquire equipment of the same brand, which implies high costs. In view of this problem, the use of Raspberry Pi embedded systems is proposed, which, through artificial vision techniques and libraries, establish a running analysis with precision and higher performance as it is an open source system. Likewise, through artificial vision techniques, a binary image can be captured and processed. The use of OpenCV libraries to locate markers and delimit a region of interest consolidate a compact and portable system to capture body movement in real time, and in unrestricted spaces.


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How to Cite

Vargas Guevara, C. L. ., Guevara Aulestia, D. O. ., Ciaccia , M. A. ., & San Antonio, T. . (2021). Body posture estimation in an embedded system Raspberry Pi using computer vision techniques. ODIGOS JOURNAL, 2(1), 9–20.