Automation proposal for sales tracking in microenterprises




automation, web system, productivity


Several micro-companies carry out much of the marketing of their products manually without optimal information management. In many cases, the storage of this data is null. Registering the work carried out along the main flows and actions that occur when the sales agent contacts the customer, offers the product, and registering a purchase order is key to generate a specific and integrated vision about performance real of the collaborators, without neglecting that it makes available a global statistics of the business. Automating the processes that agents carry out to carry out an order registration will increase the efficiency and productivity of this flow. All this automated information, managed and stored through a system, will provide management power in making decisions that will boost the business.


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How to Cite

Reza Morales, J. S. . (2021). Automation proposal for sales tracking in microenterprises. ODIGOS JOURNAL, 2(3), 77–98.