The types of crimes against sexual freedom in the social context in the province of Tungurahua




sexual freedom, childhood, adolescence, victim, crime


This article analyzes one of the problems considered of significant importance from a social and legal perspective, with negative implications for society, and in particular for children and adolescents, a group of the population that due to their physical and psychological conditions are considered vulnerable, and therefore deserve special and priority attention from the State and its agencies: crimes against sexual freedom, acts that are committed against the victim's will, by intimidating the victim or threatening the victim's family members; these acts of a sexual nature cause physical and psychological damage to those who suffer the aggression and those close to them, and violate the integrity and modesty of persons. In this order, sexual exploitation of persons, forced prostitution, pornography, sexual violence, harassment and abuse, rape, use of persons for public exhibition for sexual purposes, contact with this same affinity and offer of services by electronic means, trafficking in persons; are the most common crimes against sexual freedom. The objective was to analyze the main crimes of this type and their incidence in the most vulnerable population. The methods used were: qualitative, quantitative, descriptive and bibliographic, which implied the review of documentary material, complaints and reports from the prosecutor's office related to the object of study, obtaining results and their interpretation by means of figures with statistical data. The study period focused on the years 2018 - 2021 in the Province of Tungurahua, Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Pérez Yauli, V. L. ., Tamayo Viera, J. O., & Molina Arcos, I. A. . (2022). The types of crimes against sexual freedom in the social context in the province of Tungurahua. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 9(1), 159–177.




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