Analysing brand equity in green product packaging




green packaging, trust, green image, environmental awareness, SEM-PLS, green equity


The purpose of this research is to analyse the brand value attributed by consumers to the packaging of organic products. To achieve this objective, a study has been designed that involves the application of surveys that include descriptive questions and questions rated on a 7-point Likert scale. These surveys are key to obtain results on the relevance of green branding variables in the formation of the value that consumers associate with green products. In addition, a non-probabilistic convenience sampling approach has been used for data collection, specifically from participants from the Technical University of Machala. In analytical terms, Structural Equation Modelling techniques were applied, using a partial least squares approach. The results obtained indicate that, for consumers to attribute green value to a brand, it is essential that they trust the products. In a context where companies' claims of environmental responsibility often do not translate into fully eco-friendly products, consumers tend to look for evidence in both the projected green image and product features to support their purchasing decisions.


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How to Cite

Viteri Proaño, G. del C., & Bonisoli, L. (2024). Analysing brand equity in green product packaging. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 5(2), 39–56.


