Economic impact in the province of Tungurahua in relation to adverse events




disasters, emergency, crisis, risk, impact


The objective of this research study was to analyze the main adverse events and their impact on the economy in the province of Tungurahua. The research methods used were qualitative, quantitative, descriptive and bibliographic; we started from the review of documents and reports related to the object of study, until obtaining results represented in figures with percentage expressions and interpretations, related to deaths, unemployment, forest fires, aid from governmental organizations and technical assistance, productive land use, livestock sales, agriculture, labor market and tourism, recorded in the period between the years 2018 - 2020. Any adverse event or disaster as they are also known has its origin in nature and its consequences are negative due to the losses they represent. The Constitution of the Republic in its text has provided for the necessary measures to strengthen the capacity for action in the face of these events, as well as the taking of measures to reduce them. The constant occurrence of these events has motivated the issuance of plans, policies, programs and projects with the purpose of curbing their occurrence and effects.


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How to Cite

Tamayo Viera, J. O., Pérez Yauli, V. L. ., & Arroba Freire, E. M. . (2021). Economic impact in the province of Tungurahua in relation to adverse events. ERUDITUS JOURNAL, 2(3), 55–76.

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