Canine Immobilization Orthosis: A Low-Cost Approach Based on Generative Design


  • José Miguel Segnini Maizo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, Ecuador
  • Karen Dayana Imbago Arevalo Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador Sede Ibarra, Ecuador
  • Mary Josefina Vergara Paredes Universidad Internacional de Valencia



orthosis, immobilization, dogs, generative design


When a dog experiences an accident or has a malformation in one of its limbs, its mobility is compromised, and the use of an immobilization orthosis is required to facilitate the recovery of the affected limb. In the design process of these orthoses, ideally, the active participation of the user would be sought to define the requirements, involving them from the initial stages of development. However, the user is limited by the adaptation of what the market offers and the high costs. In this research, a conceptual design and the manufacturing procedure of an immobilization orthosis for dogs characterized by its comfort, breathability, asepsis, functionality, impermeability, safety, aesthetics and low cost, accompanied by a great adaptability that is achieved, have been presented. replicating the anatomy of the affected limb. Material strength and load distribution requirements were considered. Stress and deformation simulations could be developed with CAD-CAE programs until a 3D printed functional model was obtained. The results obtained showed that it is possible to design a minimally viable orthosis that immobilizes the animal's limb and allows a better distribution of loads thanks to the geometry obtained identical to that of the original affected limb.


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Segnini, Vergara y provenzano



How to Cite

Segnini Maizo, J. M., Imbago Arevalo, K. D., & Vergara Paredes, M. J. (2024). Canine Immobilization Orthosis: A Low-Cost Approach Based on Generative Design. ODIGOS JOURNAL, 5(2), 71–91.




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