Wind potential assessment and wind speed prediction with Data Mining
data mining, energy, generation, prediction, speed, windAbstract
The flow of the wind has been affected by factors such as roughness and topography of the terrain, which produce disturbances in its movement. The presence of hills can generate, on the one hand, an increase in wind speed until reaching the top, but in turn, in the lower part it increases turbulence producing recirculation effects. This behavior does not allow to know in detail the development of the velocity profiles and the turbulent kinetic energy of the wind. In this sense, due to the great interest in the study of air flow in complex terrains, the present project consists of the evaluation of the wind resource in complex lands, specifically in a natural wind tunnel located between the snow-covered Chimborazo and Carihuairazo of Ecuador, and the prediction of the wind speed for a new time horizon.
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