Android service to interface mosquitto messaging broker (MQTT)




service, android, Mosquito, MQTT


Real-time messages are used at a high level by different computer applications, there are different servers, protocols, etc. that can be used and are available on the Internet, however, these are created in such a way that the consumption of computational resources is very high and would only be optimal if we use a server with great features. This research work aims to develop a service on Android service to interface mosquitto messaging broker (MQTT) and provide a suitable mechanism to receive requests from an Android application at the same time also notify that some data has arrived, data are stored in the SQLite manager, which uses few computational resources and is suitable for small applications, which are testing protocols and messaging servers. The experimental results show that the service meets the initial objectives of the work, allowing to create of a messaging system based on publishers and subscribers for the Android platform.


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How to Cite

Gallardo Paredes, C. M. ., Rodríguez Fiallos, P. del R. ., & Galora Silva, F. J. . (2022). Android service to interface mosquitto messaging broker (MQTT). ODIGOS JOURNAL, 3(1), 9–24.

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