Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): Revista ODIGOS

Revista ODIGOS Vol. 2 Núm. 3

We are pleased to present the number 3, volume 2, of the year 2021 of the ODIGOS Journal. In this opportunity we make available to the entire academic community 05 scientific products as a result of researches elaborated with high scientific and methodological rigor, and that contribute significantly to various areas of knowledge.

As in all our publications, the papers submitted have gone through a process of selection, refereeing, correction and editing, which are in accordance with the guidelines approved by the Universidad Tecnológica Israel, the publisher of our journal.

In this sense, the works presented are:

The first article presented by the author Sofía Belén Alemán Viteri is entitled: "Sentiment analysis for Twitter with Vader and TextBlob". In this work, as part of its conclusions, it is established that the Naive Bayes algorithm, implemented with the TextBlob library, identifies in a better way the sentiment of a tweet about a movie, presenting in general, greater accuracy, precision, sensitivity and specificity, the proportion of tweets classified in each category is similar to that classified manually.

The second work is called "Mobile application for hiring professional services". Its author, Henry Daniel Rojas Cisneros, focuses on the automation of the contracting of professional services through a mobile application and an administrative page. This idea arises from the health crisis generated by COVID-19, which mainly affected the social and economic aspects, causing an increase in the unemployment indicator in most countries.

Meanwhile, the third paper: "Social engineering, a practical example", Juan Pablo Prado Díaz, author of the manuscript, proposes a methodology for the generation and execution of social engineering campaigns, which will result in an assessment of vulnerability at the level of the personnel of a given company, and will conclude a degree of risk for it, since it is one of the most exploited computer risk vectors in the history of cybersecurity.

In turn, the author of "Automation proposal for sales tracking in microenterprises", Juan Sebastián Reza Morales, as part of the conclusions determines that the system built alleviates a high percentage of the manual work that exists in the field of sales. It also focuses on removing the inconsistencies produced by a flow operated without proper security and proper data persistence management.

Finally, in the last work published: "Simulation of an enterprise network using the Cisco Packet Tracer tool", its author, Carlos Alexander Chicaiza Puedmag, emphasizes that the tool allows simulations of enterprise networks, since different hardware devices can be used within the platform, as well as allowing the configuration of each of these devices, which is why it is of great importance, both for universities and for students.

Thus, this material is available to the readers for the transfer and dissemination of knowledge, which will strengthen human talent, enhancing competitiveness at local, regional and global levels.

Renato M. Toasa
Editor of ODIGOS Journal

Published: 2021-10-10