Dytectiveu mobile application for the systematic treatment of dyslexia in Elementary School Students





didactic software, dyslexia, literacy, learning, education


The purpose of this research is to propose the use of mobile applications to improve the learning of students with specific learning difficulties, such as dyslexia. Thus, the aim is to determine to what extent the use of mobile apps facilitates the substantial correction of dyslexia, proposing DytectiveU as a mobile alternative.  This research is documentary and descriptive, with a qualitative approach using the deductive method. With regard to the results, specific symptoms that children prone to dyslexia may present were identified: among them, the most notable components are spelling errors, 26% of students present them, and also the omission of letters with 23%. Likewise, a study focused on exposing the population that mostly makes use of mobile apps was also taken into consideration, highlighting mainly students who use this resource as a support to improve their academic performance. If the precedents mentioned throughout the research work are taken into consideration, it can be concluded that mobile apps in the educational context represent an immemorial advance with respect to learning difficulties, since their dynamic and interactive access allows capturing greater interest and motivation in students.


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How to Cite

Sarango Revollero, J. P., & Uvillús Sumba , D. A. (2024). Dytectiveu mobile application for the systematic treatment of dyslexia in Elementary School Students . ODIGOS JOURNAL, 5(1), 46–68. https://doi.org/10.35290/ro.v5n1.2024.993


