Characterization for the link with society: case study of El Quinche Parish




link with society, research project, characterization, El Quinche parish


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the importance of research projects and outreach to society in Ecuador, as part of the substantive functions of higher education. In this sense, it analyzes the actions carried out by students and professors of the Law program of the Metropolitan University of Ecuador (UMET), focusing specifically on the rural parish of El Quinche. It is a legal, analytical and descriptive research, in which surveys were applied to the inhabitants of the parish, in order to obtain the results of the different problems that exist in this sector. The analysis of the surveys shows that one of the main difficulties affecting the parish is insecurity, which is why some issues are proposed to be addressed in order to guide the solution of the problems observed in the area.


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Author Biography

Carlos Eduardo Durán Chávez, Universidad Metropolitana del Ecuador (UMET)

Profesor-Investigador. Escuela de Derecho de la Universidad Metropolitana (UMET), Ecuador.


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How to Cite

Durán Chávez, C. E., Fuentes Aguila, M. R., & Sandoval Yuqui, P. A. (2021). Characterization for the link with society: case study of El Quinche Parish. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 8(2), 65–80.


