Constitutional rigidity in the face of the amendment in Ecuador




Constitution, amendment, reelection, constitutional rigidity, violation of rights


In recent years, different constitutional reform processes have been activated in the country aimed at instituting indefinite presidential re-election, allowing the same person to run for the presidency of the republic without any restriction, and that is where a series has emerged. of inconveniences because according to the Constitution there are two reform procedures, the first and perhaps the most democratic in which the main actors are the citizens because through a referendum they approve or reject its implementation. While, a second option falls on the initiative of the members of the National Assembly, which breaks the principle of constitutional rigidity and directly violates democracy as a system of government and participation. With this background, the objective of the study focuses on demonstrating that the application of an amendment violates citizens' rights, for which it was necessary to analyze specific cases that have arisen in the country. As such, the methodology used focuses on a qualitative bibliographic approach. Within the analysis, the proposals of Rafael Correa and Lenin Moreno were taken into consideration, the first who through a constitutional amendment sought indefinite re-election, while the second through a referendum sought to eliminate said reform. Based on the above, it can be concluded that changes to the constitutional text always try to benefit the predominant political groups instead of protecting the constitutional rights of citizens, being this behavior the one that ends up altering the stability of democracy


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How to Cite

Yánez Olalla, T. E. ., Chacón Abarca, . M. C. ., & Bonilla Alarcón, L. A. . (2021). Constitutional rigidity in the face of the amendment in Ecuador . UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 8(1e), 41–53.

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