Electricity consumption forecasting in the canton of Salcedo using machine learning techniques





power forecasting, machine learning, Random Forest, XGBoost, Ecuador


In response to the growth of electricity demand, this study focuses on the efficient forecasting of electricity consumption in Salcedo canton, Ecuador. Random Forest and XGBoost machine learning techniques were adopted to forecast the demand of six parishes in the residential sector with records from January 2017 to December 2022. The methodology encompassed data collection, preprocessing, training, and model evaluation. Metrics such as RMSE and MAPE were used to validate performance, highlighting Random Forest as the most effective in forecasting demand in all parishes, showing a more adequate adaptation to the peculiarities of electricity consumption. This approach not only provides a basis for efficient power generation and distribution planning, but also highlights the usefulness of machine learning techniques in energy consumption forecasting environments.


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How to Cite

Chicaiza Yugcha, O. F., Martínez Guaman, C. J., Orozco Manobanda, I. A., & Arellano Castro, Ángel D. (2024). Electricity consumption forecasting in the canton of Salcedo using machine learning techniques. ODIGOS JOURNAL, 5(1), 9–24. https://doi.org/10.35290/ro.v5n1.2024.1134


