Voice and data over the Internet service management strategy





management strategies, voice and data services, internet


This research presents the implementation of a Management Strategy for Voice and Data Services over the Internet, for which a field design was used, the study was conducted in situ, based on these results it was possible to determine the condition of greatest negative impact on the company is that it does not have a management strategy to respond immediately and effectively to the damage that can cause in transmissions when they are affected by external and internal fortuitous agents. The research was conducted within the National Telecommunications Corporation, being this the location where the transmissions of Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca are housed. The work methodology was based on ITIL, being the most appropriate in the monitoring, management and implementation phase according to the standards established by the corporation. Based on the methodology used, it led to the development of an inclusive model strategy, aligned with the corporation's regulations.

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How to Cite

Collaguazo, D. I. (2020). Voice and data over the Internet service management strategy. ODIGOS JOURNAL, 1(1), 9–20. https://doi.org/10.35290/ro.v1n1.2020.270


