The effectiveness of mindfulness in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children and adolescents: A bibliographic review


  • Nayeli Anahís Cargua Silva Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador
  • Fabricio Alejandro Vásquez de la Bandera Cabezas Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador
  • Karen Merizalde Torres Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador
  • Ana Victoria Poenitz Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador



ADHD, mindfulness, intervention, neurodevelopment, teenagers


This review study examines the effectiveness of mindfulness treatment for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children and adolescents. This disorder is characterized by low attention and high impulsivity and hyperactivity in the neurodevelopmental stage, which hinders the ability of emotional regulation, executive functions and well-being of the person. Given the prevalence of ADHD in children and adolescents, mindfulness interventions (MBI) are an effective non-pharmacological treatment method to improve this symptomatology. A search was carried out in the following databases: Web of Science, PubMed, Scopus, Dialnet and Google Scholar, and twenty articles were selected using the prism method: 11 primary sources, 1 descriptive study, 1 review study, 5 systematic reviews and 2 meta-analyses. The results show that MBI allows a considerable increase in attentional capacity, some executive functions and emotion regulation allowing better academic performance and better quality of life. In summary, mindfulness is an effective treatment that when combined with other programs and techniques allows complete treatment. However, it is necessary that the interventions are personalized and that the participants are committed for better results.


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How to Cite

Cargua Silva, N. A., Vásquez de la Bandera Cabezas, F. A., Torres, K. M., & Poenitz, A. V. (2025). The effectiveness of mindfulness in the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in children and adolescents: A bibliographic review. U-Mores JOURNAL, 4(1), 81–93.




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