Proposal to update the optional scientific writing course for medical students




learning, teaching writing, higher education, medical education, writing


The research originates in students' deficiencies in scientific writing, types of scientific texts and the reading-writing relationship in scientific communication. The objective is to present a proposal for updating the elective course on scientific writing in the second year of the Medical School. A qualitative research (action-research modality) was developed through the following phases: determination of the research problem, formulation of a plan or program to solve the problem, critical reflection on students' learning, redesign of the teaching process plan and adjustment of the didactic strategy, structuring of the didactic proposal, implementation and critical reflection on the results. Theoretical methods (analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive) were used, as well as participant observation, content analysis and group discussion. The structuring and description of the didactic proposal is presented. The research contributed to the adjustment of the teaching-learning process to the needs of the students, it favored the manifestation of signs of motivation and interest in the reading-writing relationship and incipient metacognitive attitudes towards the contents of the course. It is confirmed that the way in which students communicate their knowledge requires didactic attention in the different subjects.


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How to Cite

Ávila Rodríguez, M. M., Pérez Herrera, M. de J., & García Pérez, R. P. (2024). Proposal to update the optional scientific writing course for medical students. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 11(1), 49–65.


