The stock market as a source of financing for small and medium-size Ecuadorian companies


  • Jesús Francisco González Alonso Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.
  • Juan Pablo Nieto Aguas Investigador independiente, Ecuador.



Financing, Stock Market, Small company, Medium-sized enterprise, Ecuador


The search for resources, mainly economic, that allows the growth of the industrial, business and commercial sectors led to the creation of two large markets. The one made by the Financial Market lending institutions offering money in exchange for a percentage of interest. And the second, the stock market where the company obtains funding directly from its investors.

In Ecuador, officially, since the establishment of stock exchanges there is a possibility that small and me-dium-sized enterprises taking advantage obtain financial resources Securities Market. The little existing infor-mation dissemination and also largely for fear of the complex, fear of change and attachment to traditional, has prevented small and medium enterprises to leverage all the benefits that can provide them the stock market.

During the development of the research work it has been determined that the possibility for small and medium enterprises to obtain financial resources making use of the stock market is real, exists and is feasible for legally constituted organizations.


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Author Biographies

Jesús Francisco González Alonso, Universidad Tecnológica Israel, Ecuador.

Profesor - Investigador

Juan Pablo Nieto Aguas, Investigador independiente, Ecuador.

Profesor - investigador


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How to Cite

González Alonso, J. F., & Nieto Aguas, J. P. (2016). The stock market as a source of financing for small and medium-size Ecuadorian companies. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 3(3), 35–56.




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