Model of pro-environmental behaviors in students of the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences - UNMSM


  • Gaby Vargas Vargas Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima - Perú.



Model of structural equations, environment, pro-environmental behaviors, environmental education, multivalent methods


The study had a quantitative approach, where the objective was: to validate the model of structural equations analyzing the influence of the attitudes towards the conservation of the environment, envi-ronmental self-efficacy, environmental abilities and beliefs in the proactive behavior of students of the Faculty of Arts and Human sciences. The study population was constituted by the students of the profes-sional academic School of Social communication. The sample design was probabilistic, whose size was calculated with the Cochrane procedure at 0.05 of error and a confidence level of 0.95, requiring a sam-ple of 179 students. The design: Was of correlational type – causal. Data collection instruments: Scale of attitudes towards the conservation of the environment, scale of environmental self-efficacy, scale of environmental skills, scale of environmental beliefs, scale of proambiental behavior. Conclusions: The results achieved allow to accept the “proposed theoretical model”, where the analysis of the goodness of adjustment threw the adjustment index (GFI = 0957) and the Weighted adjustment index (AGFI = 0983) reached optimal values close to 1. In addition, the analysis of the residual index of the mean square root of the approximation error, which evaluates the approximation of the theoretical covariances matrix with the observed matrix, reached a small value (RMSEA = 0070).


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Author Biography

Gaby Vargas Vargas, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima - Perú.

Profesora - Investigadora


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How to Cite

Vargas Vargas, G. (2017). Model of pro-environmental behaviors in students of the Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences - UNMSM. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 4(1), 40–54.


