The neighborhood periphery of the Historic center of Quito as a habitable, dynamic, patrimonial and social place




neighborhood periphery, cultural patrimony, memory, Historic Center of Quito, historical monument


During the 1980s there were three points of view about the Historic center of Quito (CHQ): as a place marked by monumentalism; the city and its center as social diversity; and as a livable, dynamic, patrimonial and social place. The first two expressed the vision of the Municipality of Quito, while the latter corresponded to the neighborhood residents. Thus, the objective of this research seeks to reflect on the third aspect that comes from the periphery of the center. The methodology was based on interviews with neighborhood residents and urban planners, press articles and secondary sources, from which the San Marcos and La Loma Grande neighborhoods were analyzed as case studies. As a result of the interviews, the peripheral component constituted a reflective support that brought to light the neighborhood heritage and other social dynamics that shaped the neighborhoods and enriched their center. Regarding the conclusions, we visualized the neighborhoods with social and communal links and they carried social and patrimonial memory in the years investigated, important aspects to consider for a better public policy on tourism, heritage and culture in Quito today.


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How to Cite

Zhingre Chamba, R. G. . (2022). The neighborhood periphery of the Historic center of Quito as a habitable, dynamic, patrimonial and social place. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 9(3), 73–89.


