Colonialism and power in Le Voyage Dans La Lune (Journey to the moon, 1902) of Georges Méliès




aesthetics, moving image, colonialism, power, gender


Two levels of analysis are intended to be addressed in this article. The first refers to the language used in the actual filmic construction of Le voyage dans la Lune (Journey to the Moon, 1902) by Georges Méliès, which, as will be analyzed, does not correspond to the filmic language itself, since there is no cinematographic poetics in use at that time, but is the product of diverse linguistic-cultural "borrowings" -diachronic or synchronic- to its own construction as an image. The second level of analysis corresponds to the different ideological, moral, political and gender conceptions that, explicitly or implicitly, show or underlie the very enunciation of the images that constitute this work of the so-called pre-cinema.


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How to Cite

Puig Peñalosa, X. (2017). Colonialism and power in Le Voyage Dans La Lune (Journey to the moon, 1902) of Georges Méliès. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 4(2), 28–38.


