Vol. 10 No. 2 (2023)

Revista Científica UISRAEL

Dear readers, receive our most expressive words of greeting on this occasion that marks the second publication this year of our Revista Científica UISRAEL, which collects the best efforts of researchers whose works enhance the purpose of our university in promoting them to the scientific community and the general public. In this sense, I am proud to bring up the words of the former dean of the University of the Basque Country, Dr. Juan Urrutia, collected by Goñi (2014) regarding universities as centers of research.

This undoubtedly, and in line with Goñi's (2014) opinion, is what characterizes a "new" university where both students and teachers teach and learn, not primarily from texts, but from what Galileo called the book of nature; that is, immersing themselves in the wonderful world of research.


PhD. Yolvy Javier Quintero Cordero, Editor Revista Científica UISRAEL

Published: 2023-05-10

