JIT: a web application for the learning of people with intellectual disabilities





game-based learning , intellectual disability, serious games, web applications


Children with intellectual disabilities (ID) can develop new skills and acquire more knowledge, but they need tools that allow them to do it at their own pace, which is often not the same as that of many children of similar ages. Game-based learning is a useful way to contribute to this learning. Although there are many games for computers and mobiles, they are not necessarily appropriate in the case of DI. Therefore, this article presents JIT, a web application developed trying to help people with ID in learning basic topics (such as colors, geometric shapes, numbers, spatiality, etc.). The application was designed and evaluated with the collaboration of teachers and technicians dedicated to working with people with ID, aiming for users to feel motivated to learn, and to be able to practice and remember the studied topics in a playful way. Thus, JIT can be used by special education and related teachers as an educational tool, also having the possibility of adding more topics and customizing the different activities available.


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How to Cite

Taquez Suárez, A., García López, J., Erazo Moreta, O., & Moreira Menéndez, M. (2023). JIT: a web application for the learning of people with intellectual disabilities. ODIGOS JOURNAL, 4(2), 29–44. https://doi.org/10.35290/ro.v4n2.2023.903


