ICT as a methodological strategy to develop oral expression in Kichwa-speaking adolescents





EFL (English as a Foreign Language), virtual classroom, ICT, Communicative Approach, Kichwa speakers


The work addresses the author’s points of view around the different opinions and questions that have been asked about the teaching–learning of the English language in Kichwa speakers: What are the reasons for Ecuadorian students to keep low levels in English? The integration of technology into the EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classroom will motivate kichwa speaking students to pursue cultural learning and facilitating them the development of foster successful dialogues and increase their English proficiency. Language teachers need cultural sensitivity as well as the ability to design virtual classrooms that motivates students to pursue cultural learning and helps them communicate with people from different cultures. The use of a virtual classroom for teaching English will provide content that students are already familiar with, and also will be a means to develop language skills while communicating and educating to others. In addition, students will have the opportunity to de-velop cultural sensitivity and appreciation, adding to their motivation to be able to interact with others whose cultures are different from theirs.


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How to Cite

Rojas Leon, E. D. R. (2020). ICT as a methodological strategy to develop oral expression in Kichwa-speaking adolescents. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 7(1), 89–98. https://doi.org/10.35290/rcui.v7n1.2020.110


