Role play as a strategy to reduce dysphemia




Oral expression, dysphemia, role-playing, playful strategy


The role-playing game in the educational environment has a role as a playful strategy, it allows the student to have different environments, imaginary spaces where they develop and develop their dialect through conversations, texts that occur within the role-playing game. This research work describes the benefits of role playing in the reduction of dysphemia in students of General Basic Education in Ecuador. In the results obtained, it was identified that teachers do not usually apply this strategy due to lack of time in these processes. It was possible to notice improvement in the development of schoolchildren with dysphemia with the application of the role-playing game. At the beginning of the exploration, subject b started with a speech rhythm deficiency of 10% and ended with an improvement of 60%, therefore, the aforementioned strategy was recognized as a fundamental part in the improvement of the educational need associated with speech, achieving significant learning since it allows progress in various aspects of daily life. Finally, the role-playing game favors the improvement of dialect and body expression, increasing their socio-cognitive and communication skills, as well as the progressive decrease of dysphemia.


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How to Cite

Guillen Rios, B. P. (2024). Role play as a strategy to reduce dysphemia. UISRAEL SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL, 11(3), 125–139.


